Highly Energy Efficient Wastewater Mixer
The efficient vertical mixing tank process is proven to mix all types of liquids including high viscosity and high percentage of solid liquids. SPEED wastewater treatment tank mixing systems are robust, powerful, energy efficient and require zero in-tank maintenance. tank mixing systems can be found in every phase of wastewater treatment processes and mixes faster, more efficiently and with less main maintenance .
Wastewater Mixers Impellers - AxialWetting Out
Dry carbon particles tend to float: if they’re to be incorporated into the mixture, proper wetting during makeup is critical. As with lime slurry mixing, a mixer that generates an axial flow pattern will be most effective for mixing dry carbon. Carbon slurry particles tend to float, so they need to be “sucked” into the liquid from the surface. The axial flow impeller placed close to the liquid interface will provide the best mixing for wetting out the particles.
Wetting Out
Dry carbon particles tend to float: if they’re to be incorporated into the mixture, proper wetting during makeup is critical. As with lime slurry mixing, a mixer that generates an axial flow pattern will be most effective for mixing dry carbon. Carbon slurry particles tend to float, so they need to be “sucked” into the liquid from the surface. The axial flow impeller placed close to the liquid interface will provide the best mixing for wetting out the particles.
Polymer Mixing
Polymers are used in wastewater and water treatment to enhance flocculation by optimizing the strength, size and weight of flocs. Before they can be added to the flocculation process, the powder or neat forms of polymers need to be activated and aged.